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Well, THAT was fun… August 30, 2006

Posted by dstalor in Daily Life.


Ok… so I got up at 6:00 am this morning, because I needed to be in downtown Jerusalem “no later than 8:30”. I and my grandparents (they were up, and had nothing better to do) went down to the bus stop and took the 7:05 bus to Jerusalem. Maybe 5 minutes into the bus ride, I realize that although I had every other official document pertaining to me (including my passport photos; I’ll explain later), I left my passport back at the house. As luck would have it, I remember this IMMEDIATELY after passing the last bus stop out of our settlement. We get to the Central Bus Station in Jerusalem, and start making phone calls to people such as Avi Naor (the director of Mahal) and Tziki Ud (my contact at the Jewish Agency Information Center, where I needed to go); only one problem – it’s 8:00 in the morning and no-one’s picking up their phone! I SMS (text message) Avi, figuring that since he needed me to SMS my ID# to him once I got it, that maybe he’d get the message and text me back or even call me.

While we were waiting at the Central Bus Station to figure out what to do, my grandmother said that there was somewhere downtown she needed to go, so if we (my grandfather and I) wanted to join her, we could. And join her we did; we got on a bus headed to one part of downtown Jerusalem and intended to join her, since we had nothing better to do. The bus was packed… like “Another One Rides the Bus” packed… we were already packed in like sardines, and we were stopping to pick up more. Then Avi Naor calls, a little after 8:30 (remember that magic time?); apparently Tziki couldn’t find me, and called Avi to find out what’s up. I explain to Avi that I accidentaly left my passport at the house, and that I could go home and get it, but it may take a while; I asked Avi if I could meet with Tziki any other time, and Avi says “after 10”. I relate my conversation with Avi to my grandfather, and we decide to get off the bus, try to catch a bus going back to the C.B.S. and then go back to our settlement to get the passport.

We get off the bus and cross over to the other side, just as the bus heading back to the Central Bus Station left. Just my luck. While we waiting there, Avi calls me back and says “Daniel, we have an appointment for you, same as today was supposed to be, but on this Sunday… also no later than 8:30.” (GWAA! OK… calm down, this is the only way it’s gonna get done) I agreed, and that was that.

So, after sitting for 5 or so minutes and no buses coming, we decide “it’s a nice day, why not walk back?” Except that we didn’t realize where we were. Sure, it’s probably only a 30-40 minute walk, but it’s up and down hills and my grandfather’s not in perfect shape (unless ’round’ is a shape). We walked back anyway, just as it was starting to get uncomfortably warm. When we got back to the Central Bus Station, we were a bit tired (he was, I wasn’t quite) so we stopped in at this nice little shop called “Café Net”, where we each got a “Iced Coffee” – kindof a coffee smoothie. We then took the next bus ride home, and home is where I am now.

In short, a lot of work to do nothing. Story of my life.

Anyway… so, about those passport photos. If you recall, I was in a bit of a panic because they (the Jewish Agency, whom I was meeting “no later than 8:30”) needed passport photos, and I left them at home in the States accidentaly. So, I stayed up until 1:00 in the morning, when my mom got back to the house, and she got online almost immediately. She asked where I thought I had left them, and I told her… Thank God I was right. She scanned them, and emailed them to me, which I forwarded to my grandfather and he printed off on photo paper. We trimmed them to the right size, and BOOM, now I have 8 passport photos (and the ability to print more).

Now, I need to go call some people about some spare uniforms that are being left for me.


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