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Abandonment? October 14, 2006

Posted by dstalor in Daily Life.

No, I have not forgotten about all of you (my faithful… 3 readers), I merely have had nothing really to talk about this past month or so.

So, where to begin?

I finished my ulpan, and I have to say: I loved it! I’ve tried multiple times to learn Hebrew, but this was by far the best course I’ve ever taken.

I spoke with peoples and (after a migrain-inducing day at a government office) got my visa changed to a “Student” visa (yes, I know I’m not really a student, but that’s just what it says); this allows me to travel freely between Israel and the US for 2 years with no problems.

I sent off my special ID# to Avi Naor, and he basically just said “great! I’ll tell you when we have something for you to do.” So, now I’m here with nothing to do for the next month or 2.

The holidays have now come and gone, what with Simchat Torah just ending a few hours ago. I’ll tell you something though: it’s really awesome to be praying in the holy language of Hebrew AND KNOW WHAT YOU’RE SAYING! That made my High Holy Days way more meaningful.

I spent Simchat Torah in Jerusalem with some friends of mine, and it was really fun. I loved the dancing and the singing and the energy of it all.

So, these friends of mine also have some more friends, one of which teaches at this Yeshiva in Jerusalem, and he said that since he has some pull, I might be able to learn there for a month or so FOR FREE! That would be great for me, because I’ve been a little lacking in my Jewish studies since I came here; not by choice, but rather because I had nowhere to go that I could afford.

Also, I have some good news: my guitar should be arriving hopefully this week and if not, then for sure by next week.

So, this should basically bring you up to date on the goings-on regarding me; I’ll try to keep you guys informed as much as possible, obviously within reason. Additionally, if you don’t hear from me, it likely means my life is horribly boring, and nothing has happened… period.

Happy new year, one and all!


1. Yossi - October 17, 2006

Ah, finnaly. An update on the well-being of my brother.

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