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Why does life keep getting in the way? May 13, 2007

Posted by dstalor in Uncategorized.

I sit here now on an army base just outside of Netanya, waiting to be told what job I will receive. I think that I will be working on communications equipment, but I can’t be sure until they tell me.

Since my last post, I completed basic training again, this time in a different unit and therefore slightly different. I am now fully a part of the Nahal infantry corps, right down to the bright green beret that I wear on my shoulder.

Now that I’m not in basic training anymore, I should – in theory – be more free to make blog posts (interesting-ness not guaranteed.)

An update, what a concept! March 19, 2007

Posted by dstalor in Uncategorized.
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I write this now from my cell phone, sitting on an army base in the Negev.

Much has happened since the last update. I joined the Israeli Army on the 17th of December. Over the course of the following 3 months, I was in a “Course Ivrit”, which is pretty much what it sounds like – a course where you learn Ivrit (Hebrew). This past Tuesday, we finished and on Thursday I was sent here – a Nahal base in the Negev.

The problem is: I don’t want to be here. After considering many things, I have decided to be non-combat, in a rabbinical unit; but it’s not so easy.

I’m running short on time, so that’s all for now, but I plan to post again soon.

Wow… just wow… November 28, 2006

Posted by dstalor in Incredible.
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This is a video of one of my generation’s greatest guitar players, as far as I have seen: Alexander “housethegrate” Liss. He is performing his own remix of the “Clockwork” theme from the video game Castlevania 3. House is one of my idols when it comes to guitar playing.

housethegrate – La Hora es Tarde

A Little Big News November 14, 2006

Posted by dstalor in Daily Life.
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As some of my readers may know, I have been accepted into the IDF, and given a draft date finally. I am now just counting down the days until December 17. I thank all of you who have been supporting me since I got to Israel, I love you guys!

Finally! October 30, 2006

Posted by dstalor in Daily Life.
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This update, as you will soon see, is all about quality, not quantity.

Ok… Thursday night, I called about my guitar, and basically I was told “yes, we have it, you can pick it up Sunday night.” So, on Sunday night, I went down to downtown Jerusalem, where they live, and FINALLY got my guitar.My baby!

On Sunday afternoon, I received a phone call from Avi Naor. He told me that I needed to show up at this place at 7:30 AM so I can do some stuff. Needless to say, I didn’t really feel like going. But, my conscience finally got the best of me, and I got up at 5:00 AM Monday morning, took the first bus downtown, and made it just about on time.

I was at this place where they tested me like crazy, and basically determined whether or not I’m fit for army service. I don’t know if I passed, but I have an appointment on Nov. 20th for what they’re calling an “interview”. Something tells me it’s not what I immediately think of when I hear that word.

Anyway, so now I am in the system, and I have my guitar. I am a happy boy.

Small update October 19, 2006

Posted by dstalor in Daily Life.
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I don’t have a whole lot to tell you guys, but there have been a couple interesting things this week.

To begin with, it rained on Sunday. This may not sound like much, but it means the beginning of the ‘rainy season’ here in Israel. After a hot, dry summer, it’s nice to finally see rain again.

Also, on Thursday, I was told I had work, and was finally given something to do (due preferably on Monday). There’s a whole long story about why I was unable to work on Thursday, but I won’t get into it here in-depth; basically, our server broke, so I couldn’t work from overseas. Eventually, (late) Monday night, I received an IM saying that they had fixed it. On Thursday, when I found out that I wouldn’t be able to work, I told them “if you get me access, I’ll have the job done for you in a day.” I hadn’t put a lot of thought into that statement at the time; however, on Tuesday, I spent all day working, and actually pulled it off. This may not seem a lot to you, but if you knew how hard it was, you’d probably be more impressed. In some ways, I am my company’s “Scotty“, somehow managing to do what seems near to impossible, usually just in the nick of time; this is particularly ironic, as my middle name is Scott.

I still do not know about my guitar, but I’ll be calling tonight to find out.

Abandonment? October 14, 2006

Posted by dstalor in Daily Life.
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No, I have not forgotten about all of you (my faithful… 3 readers), I merely have had nothing really to talk about this past month or so.

So, where to begin?

I finished my ulpan, and I have to say: I loved it! I’ve tried multiple times to learn Hebrew, but this was by far the best course I’ve ever taken.

I spoke with peoples and (after a migrain-inducing day at a government office) got my visa changed to a “Student” visa (yes, I know I’m not really a student, but that’s just what it says); this allows me to travel freely between Israel and the US for 2 years with no problems.

I sent off my special ID# to Avi Naor, and he basically just said “great! I’ll tell you when we have something for you to do.” So, now I’m here with nothing to do for the next month or 2.

The holidays have now come and gone, what with Simchat Torah just ending a few hours ago. I’ll tell you something though: it’s really awesome to be praying in the holy language of Hebrew AND KNOW WHAT YOU’RE SAYING! That made my High Holy Days way more meaningful.

I spent Simchat Torah in Jerusalem with some friends of mine, and it was really fun. I loved the dancing and the singing and the energy of it all.

So, these friends of mine also have some more friends, one of which teaches at this Yeshiva in Jerusalem, and he said that since he has some pull, I might be able to learn there for a month or so FOR FREE! That would be great for me, because I’ve been a little lacking in my Jewish studies since I came here; not by choice, but rather because I had nowhere to go that I could afford.

Also, I have some good news: my guitar should be arriving hopefully this week and if not, then for sure by next week.

So, this should basically bring you up to date on the goings-on regarding me; I’ll try to keep you guys informed as much as possible, obviously within reason. Additionally, if you don’t hear from me, it likely means my life is horribly boring, and nothing has happened… period.

Happy new year, one and all!

!אני מדבר (קצת) עברית עכשו September 4, 2006

Posted by dstalor in Daily Life.
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For those of you who cannot read that, I just said “I speak (a little) Hebrew now!” in Hebrew.

I went to an ulpan (Hebrew-learning course) today. I LOVE IT!! The place is called “Ulpan Or”, and the lesson was one-on-one, a very good way of learning, in my opinion. I had alot of fun, and will continue going there for 2 weeks.

In this one class, I really realized how much Hebrew I already know. It’s surprising, how much simply was stored away in the back of my head; I never thought I had been taught that much.

As it turns out, Avi Naor SMSed (text messaged) me while I was on the bus to my class, asking if I could have the appointment today… talk about bad timing. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get an appointment this week.

Another misunderstanding… September 3, 2006

Posted by dstalor in Daily Life.
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So… I went into downtown Jerusalem today, early in the morning, because I was under the impression that my meeting from Thursday had been moved to today.


Apparently, Avi Naor simply meant that today or tomorrow, he’d reschedule my appointment. I’m sorry, but I’m a fairly intelligent guy, and THAT’s not what I heard him say.

Anyway, so I wandered around downtown Jerusalem for a while, while I waited for someone to call me back. Someone I had been in contact with had some old IDF uniforms that were not in use, and since I’m going into the IDF soon, he was giving them to me. Eventually, he called me back, and I took a bus/walked to his house. Very nice people, they’re British; and they told me if I ever need a place, to just give them a call.

All in all, today was another relatively useless day. I could have done so much more today; but then again, chances that I’d actually DO anything are slim.

Long story short… August 30, 2006

Posted by dstalor in Daily Life.

I have had a nasty day today.

After what happened this morning, I came home and started looking for an ulpan (Hebrew learning course). I have 8 weeks left before I actually do anything in the IDF, and I need to bring my Hebrew level up, lest I not be able to join.

So I begin looking. Everywhere that has a website says “5 month program” or something of that nature. So we start making phone calls. People left and right are telling me “an 8-week program doesn’t exist”. I tell them “there are a gazillion different ulpanim (plural of ulpan) in this country, and not a SINGLE ONE has a program that I can do?!” Pretty soon, people are calling back to the house and telling my grandparents (who, thank god at least tried to find something for me) that we’re looking for something that doesn’t exist.

Eventually my grandparents cave, and tell me that it’s not gonna work, that such a thing doesn’t exist, that I need to give up on the November enlistment and go with a 3-year Army service. “So what if you have to wait until you’re 21 to start college?” they tell me.

But I refuse to give up… I’m calling people like crazy. I even was venting on my best friend (thanks, Becki!) who didn’t really deserve being smacked upside her head with my frustrations and near-collapse into emo-dom.

Why must everyone insist that it can’t be done? My mom is a professional speaker, and one of her inspirational speeches is based around a saying that she coined: “A person can do the impossible, if they have enough reason to make it happen.”

Lo and behold! My mother did some research (remember, she’s 7 hours behind us) and, yes, there IS an ulpan that I can go to, and it will probably work out well. We’re going to call tomorrow morning to find out.

Now I must go to bed, for tomorrow is yet another day…